5 Simple Tips to Keep Your Holiday Spending Under Control (Without Losing the Fun!)

Posted by Practical Paper Co. on

The holidays are magical—but the post-holiday credit card bill? Not so much. Here are five tips to help you keep your spending under control this season while still spreading plenty of cheer.

1. Set a holiday budget (and stick to it!)
Before you start shopping, decide how much you’re comfortable spending overall, and break it down by category—gifts, décor, travel, food, etc. Treat this budget like Santa treats Christmas cookies - you've gotta have it!

2. Track every expense.
The best way to avoid overspending? Write. It. Down. Keeping track of every purchase, no matter how small, helps you see where your money is going. A financial organizer is perfect for this—it’s like your holiday accountability buddy.

3. Shop with a list, not with vibes.
We’ve all gone into a store for “just one gift” and left with half the Christmas aisle. A list keeps you focused, saves you time, and protects your wallet from impulse buys.

4. Embrace the DIY spirit.
Homemade gifts can be thoughtful and budget-friendly. From cookie tins to knitted scarves, a little creativity can go a long way. Plus, it’s a great excuse to break out those crafting supplies!  Of course, we personally love gifts made out of paper, like calendars, cards, and books!

5. Keep it all in one place.
From your budget to your gift list to your receipts, having everything in one spot is a game-changer. A financial organizer or planner can help you stay organized and avoid forgetting about purchases that didn’t ship with tracking info (we’ve all been there).

Remember: the holidays are about connection, not perfection. By staying mindful of your spending, you can focus on what truly matters—making memories, not debt.

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